I've taken all the work we've done and started to compile it to get sent off for early this evening. I'll make it available on here this evening also...
There's still a lot to do, UML Class Diagrams will need to be refined and those that aren't documented, documented...
I'm still waiting on the UML Sequence diagrams...
As for unfinished sections...
- HCI & Usability - This wont be finished for this evening, in the first week back we need to meet and discuss the pro's and cons of each of our design. Pick the best ones and document them in the report.
- Acceptance Tests - This wont be finished either, again we'll meet in the first week back to get them finished...
Stu and Will can you whack some documentation together for your Class Diagrams, also a System Architecture diagram would be useful for each one...
Also we need a call for a copy of any sequence diagrams so we can get them 2 Jimbo to write up!
1 comment:
Jimbo has my overall sequence diagram which i did at the end of last term, that basicly jus needs cutting up and each part slighly expanding.
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