Thursday, 20 December 2007

Domain Req + Sim Design

Domain Requirements -

Not too sure on number 11. May have missed some things out, just tell me and ill alter whatever needs altering.

Simulation Design -
Again, may have missed parts, couldnt really think of any dialogue boxes to add at this stage.
If i post it raw on the blog its too small so ive imageshacked it.

PS. The time on the blog is whack, some1 needs to sort that out.


danHutch said...

Looking good dude, i'll get it copied into the report asap...

Is Jimbo doin the Use Case Diagrams?

Si said...

Yeah Jimbo's doing:

Write up the UML Use Case Diagram (the documentation for each and the Sequence diagrams for the most important use cases)

Im sure it'll appear on the blog be4 2moro.
I've left that GUI design pretty open, the right side is pretty blank, im sure theres some stuff ive missed so if we can get some suggestions flowing for more shit to add to that right hand column and positioning of some of the "OR" items then we should be rollin on that.