Saturday, 22 December 2007

UML, Use case Diagrams

Hey Guys, here is the use case diagrams for the monitoring centre and the UML diagram jpg!

Name: Campus Monitoring Center – Entering campus to Exit

Includes: None

Extends: None

Normal Flow:

  1. Vehicle Enters Campus
  2. RFID tag scanned and vehicle registered onto the mapping system
  3. System receives vehicles required destination and calculates route from the vehicles current position to destination (fastest route)

  1. Vehicle arrives at destination car park and parks car
  2. Person exits car and makes for destination, GVPS in car system now inactive and

car is taken off the GVPS system map.

  1. Person re enters vehicle and either –

6.a Enters new destination, go back to step 1

6.b Proceeds to exit campus, system calculates route to exit as usual

Abnormal Flow:

3.a Road obstruction is in the desired route – route is re calculated and the fastest alternate route is used taking into account speed limits

4.a Destination car park full – System finds nearest available car park and re routes

Name: Campus Monitoring Center – Calculate Route

Includes: None

Extends: None

Post-conditions – Destination entered, Vehicle on campus

Normal Flow:

  1. System works out all available routes from the vehicles current position
  2. Takes into account speed limits on roads and assigns the route to be taken to the GVPS system in the in car system
  3. Directions are read out to the driver as he navigates the route to the destination
  4. Once driver reaches destination the system will switch off and the vehicle will be taken off the mapping system

Abnormal Flow:

3.a Driver takes wrong turn – system goes back to step 1 and assigns the fastest route to the in car system

3.b Road block created which blocks the current route – System goes to step 1 and re calculates a new route to avoid the road block.



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