Sunday, 23 December 2007

Project Report

Ok, so heres the project report!

Theres still a long way to go with it... We need...
  • Sequence diagrams & documentation
  • Completed UML Diagrams & Architecture diagrams & Documentation
  • To choose the final designs for the HCI Side of stuff (First week back)
  • Come up with acceptance tests (First Week Back)
  • Make any changes to the report the Jon finds
Id we can get all the UML stuff done before the first week back so i can append it to the report then the revisions shouldnt be so bad... & it'll mean less work during the first week back.


AnyMore Shizz

Does anyone have anymore work for me to put into the report, I'll be sending it off to him in the next hour..



In the e-mail I sent out before we broke up said Friday was the final deadline to getting it to me in time to compile...

I've taken all the work we've done and started to compile it to get sent off for early this evening. I'll make it available on here this evening also...

There's still a lot to do, UML Class Diagrams will need to be refined and those that aren't documented, documented...

I'm still waiting on the UML Sequence diagrams...

As for unfinished sections...
  • HCI & Usability - This wont be finished for this evening, in the first week back we need to meet and discuss the pro's and cons of each of our design. Pick the best ones and document them in the report.
  • Acceptance Tests - This wont be finished either, again we'll meet in the first week back to get them finished...
Everthing else is looking cool and the report is starting to look good...

Stu and Will can you whack some documentation together for your Class Diagrams, also a System Architecture diagram would be useful for each one...

Also we need a call for a copy of any sequence diagrams so we can get them 2 Jimbo to write up!


Saturday, 22 December 2007

UML, Use case Diagrams

Hey Guys, here is the use case diagrams for the monitoring centre and the UML diagram jpg!

Name: Campus Monitoring Center – Entering campus to Exit

Includes: None

Extends: None

Normal Flow:

  1. Vehicle Enters Campus
  2. RFID tag scanned and vehicle registered onto the mapping system
  3. System receives vehicles required destination and calculates route from the vehicles current position to destination (fastest route)

  1. Vehicle arrives at destination car park and parks car
  2. Person exits car and makes for destination, GVPS in car system now inactive and

car is taken off the GVPS system map.

  1. Person re enters vehicle and either –

6.a Enters new destination, go back to step 1

6.b Proceeds to exit campus, system calculates route to exit as usual

Abnormal Flow:

3.a Road obstruction is in the desired route – route is re calculated and the fastest alternate route is used taking into account speed limits

4.a Destination car park full – System finds nearest available car park and re routes

Name: Campus Monitoring Center – Calculate Route

Includes: None

Extends: None

Post-conditions – Destination entered, Vehicle on campus

Normal Flow:

  1. System works out all available routes from the vehicles current position
  2. Takes into account speed limits on roads and assigns the route to be taken to the GVPS system in the in car system
  3. Directions are read out to the driver as he navigates the route to the destination
  4. Once driver reaches destination the system will switch off and the vehicle will be taken off the mapping system

Abnormal Flow:

3.a Driver takes wrong turn – system goes back to step 1 and assigns the fastest route to the in car system

3.b Road block created which blocks the current route – System goes to step 1 and re calculates a new route to avoid the road block.



Wheres The Beef?

Why is there no work being posted on the blog?
I was under the impression we were all gonna post our bits of work on here before Friday 21st so that we could fine tune shit.

If were submitting all our work on christmas eve, then we have the rest of today (Saturday) and tommorrow to get our work to a decent standard.

Thursday, 20 December 2007

Domain Req + Sim Design

Domain Requirements -

Not too sure on number 11. May have missed some things out, just tell me and ill alter whatever needs altering.

Simulation Design -
Again, may have missed parts, couldnt really think of any dialogue boxes to add at this stage.
If i post it raw on the blog its too small so ive imageshacked it.

PS. The time on the blog is whack, some1 needs to sort that out.

A Call For Assumptions

Hey guys

I'm just writing up the Introduction and I need to know of any assumptions anyone has made in their designs and such!

E-mail me or post them on here...


Friday, 14 December 2007

Email 14/12/07

Hey Guys,

Right I'll detail all the work for each team task by task so each of you knows what we need to get done... Remember final date for getting it to me to compile will be the 21st Dec (Next Friday).

To aid each other any work we have accumulated up load to the blog, Im gonna just upload my whole folder of work onto my Uni web space with a link to it on the blog so you can download the whole folder for access to any of the work. I reckon it'll be useful if we all do something similar, Stu's idea with modding the documents online using Google docs is a good one. Check it out if you haven't seen it already.

When you e-mail me the work make sure all documents are in .doc format, Any UML diagrams send them in both .jpeg format and the original .argo (or what ever it is) format in case I need to change any names of class to ensure were all consistent.

I found the following articles on writing technical documents online...

Theres some useful points on using headings, cross-referencing and such.

In terms of referencing other articles we may come across, I'm not sure what style the uni likes to use and it changes from subject area to subject area but I reckon if we all use the Harvard referencing style then if it does need to be changed it wont be as hard...

As a side note, we have to submit some user interface designs as part of the document (HCI Usability a spec section), So I've assigned different UI's to each team to do and I guess we can then do a vote of the pro's and cons(Posted on the blog) of each to come to a final conclusion. I think paper sketches are fine for this section...

Si & Jimbo

* Write up the Domain Requirements we did expanding on the points
and how they will affect the overall design
* Write up the UML Use Case Diagram (the documentation for each and
the Sequence diagrams for the most important use cases)
* For the HCI Side of things if both of you could individually do
two designs for the Simulation System i.e. (the main GUI any file
dialog boxes) stuff like that then post them on the blog so we can
all comment on them and decide which one is best to be used.

Stu, Dan, Will

* (Stu) - Write up the Non-Functional requirements, again expanding
on any points and try and figure out any metrics or measurable
value that we can analyse to see how well we meet up to the
requirements after we've implemented it. I was thinking along the
lines of (Time In Seconds it takes for the software to load up for
the speed and efficiency requirement) Or something along those lines.
* (Stu) - Write up and document the UML Class Diagram for the
Simulation System.
* (Stu) - HCI Designs for the In Car System and for the Monitoring
* (Dan) - Write up the Functional Requirements for the In Car System
again expanding on points we came up with in the meeting...
* (Dan) - Write up the UML Class Diagram for the In Car System
documenting where required...
* (Dan) - HCI Designs for the In Car System and the Monitoring Centre
* (Will) - Write up the Functional Requirements for the Monitoring
Centre (same as above for other details)
* (Will) - Write up the UML Class Diagram for the Monitoring Centre
with any Documentation that needs to be included.
* (Will) - HCI designs for the In Car System and the Simulation
Monitoring Centre.

I hope I haven't missed anything... If anyone notices anything missing just wazz an e-mail or post a blog entry... Other than that have an ace Christmas & I'll see you in the new year for the meeting with Jon on the 11th @ 11am (Think it's posted on the Google calender for those who have a memory like mine!)


Duplicate of e-mail

Hey Guys,

Right I'll detail all the work for each team task by task so each of you knows what we need to get done... Remember final date for getting it to me to compile will be the 21st Dec (Next Friday).

To aid each other any work we have accumulated up load to the blog, Im gonna just upload my whole folder of work onto my Uni web space with a link to it on the blog so you can download the whole folder for access to any of the work. I reckon it'll be useful if we all do something similar, Stu's idea with modding the documents online using Google docs is a good one. Check it out if you haven't seen it already.

When you e-mail me the work make sure all documents are in .doc format, Any UML diagrams send them in both .jpeg format and the original .argo (or what ever it is) format in case I need to change any names of class to ensure were all consistent.

I found the following articles on writing technical documents online...

Theres some useful points on using headings, cross-referencing and such.

In terms of referencing other articles we may come across, I'm not sure what style the uni likes to use and it changes from subject area to subject area but I reckon if we all use the Harvard referencing style then if it does need to be changed it wont be as hard...

As a side note, we have to submit some user interface designs as part of the document (HCI Usability a spec section), So I've assigned different UI's to each team to do and I guess we can then do a vote of the pro's and cons(Posted on the blog) of each to come to a final conclusion. I think paper sketches are fine for this section...

Si & Jimbo
  • Write up the Domain Requirements we did expanding on the points and how they will affect the overall design
  • Write up the UML Use Case Diagram (the documentation for each and the Sequence diagrams for the most important use cases)
  • For the HCI Side of things if both of you could individually do two designs for the Simulation System i.e. (the main GUI any file dialog boxes) stuff like that then post them on the blog so we can all comment on them and decide which one is best to be used.
Stu, Dan, Will
  • (Stu) - Write up the Non-Functional requirements, again expanding on any points and try and figure out any metrics or measurable value that we can analyse to see how well we meet up to the requirements after we've implemented it. I was thinking along the lines of (Time In Seconds it takes for the software to load up for the speed and efficiency requirement) Or something along those lines.
  • (Stu) - Write up and document the UML Class Diagram for the Simulation System.
  • (Stu) - HCI Designs for the In Car System and for the Monitoring System
  • (Dan) - Write up the Functional Requirements for the In Car System again expanding on points we came up with in the meeting...
  • (Dan) - Write up the UML Class Diagram for the In Car System documenting where required...
  • (Dan) - HCI Designs for the In Car System and the Monitoring Centre
  • (Will) - Write up the Functional Requirements for the Monitoring Centre (same as above for other details)
  • (Will) - Write up the UML Class Diagram for the Monitoring Centre with any Documentation that needs to be included.
  • (Will) - HCI designs for the In Car System and the Simulation Monitoring Centre.
I hope I haven't missed anything... If anyone notices anything missing just wazz an e-mail or post a blog entry... Other than that have an ace Christmas & I'll see you in the new year for the meeting with Jon on the 11th @ 11am (Think it's posted on the Google calender for those who have a memory like mine!)


Thursday, 13 December 2007

Task Breakdown

Any work to Dan use the template to come soon on here. Or plain text format that makes it clear what is a heading, sub-heading etc.

Use non-emotive language, write in the third sense. NO we, you, I etc. This is a TECHNICAL report use technical language and style of writing


Simon Jimbo - Domain requirements, UML uses diagrams, documentation and sequence diagrams
Stu - Non-functional requirement,
Will Dan - fucntional requirements

Sunday, 9 December 2007

Email 09/12/07

Hey Guys,

We got a couple of options we can either meet up tonight around 7pm ish to go over the work? or we can show each other what we've done tomorrow morning before the meeting just the get an idea... Any road I see next Thursdays meeting being a long one. Just finalizing the overall design of the project and delegating what needs to be done by who. But its gotta get done =( anyhooo let me know


Saturday, 1 December 2007

Assigned Tasks

Assigned Tasks:

Use case diagram - Jimbo

Use cases documentation and sequence diagram

Park Car – Will

Enter Destination – Dan

Exit – Stu

Monitor Roads – Simon

Use case documentation in format of:




Participating actors:


Normal flow:

Abnormal flow:

Sequence diagrams

Refer to 240 lecture notes to see how to do sequence diagrams properly.

We will be using ArgoUML for all our diagrams. You can get it at