Friday, 25 April 2008

Email 25/04/08

Hey Guys,

Just adding the final additions to the report. Anything that's not java doced I think it's to late now, i'll go through and quickly add author tags but thats about it.

Would any one be able to assist me in the printing of the report? We all know the benefits of multiprocessing =P


Monday, 21 April 2008

Email 21/04/08

Hey Guys,

Here's the feedback from the report, we've got to push really hard to get it all finished. Or close as possible!

* Use the titles given to you in the Guide to the final report. E.g., section 2 should be titled "Testing". This makes it easier for the grader to give you a good grade.

* "it's" versus "its"

* sometimes you don't write proper sentences. E.g., " a car enters campus, the decision". Should be two separate sentences here.

* 1.1: this scenario (and screenshots) is ok but could be better. The writing is poor in places. Also, you don't show any alternative scenarios. You have demonstrated to the reader that you have implemented the basic functionalities. However, you have not provided any evidence that you have gone beyond the basic spec. Think about the coolest part of your system, and show the screenshots for that. Also, you don't mention any functionality that you cannot provide. If some cool functionalities could not be implemented, for whatever reason, mention them. You won't get marked down for not covering everything.

* If space is an issue, I suggest focusing section 1 more on 1.1 and 1.2 than 1.3. The simulation part is not as "exciting" and some of the stuff you have there now could be cut if necessary.

* Implementation section. This section doesn't read well. The point of this section is not to give a lot of details of the implementation or to repeat the Design Report. You will get good marks here by being self-reflective -- that is, discussing how your eventual design differed from or extended the one in the design report. You may need a high-level class diagram to show the overall system architecture so that you can discuss such things, but giving detailed class diagrams and method descriptions doesn't really add anything. Again, try to be self-reflective as much as possible: what proved challenging and why? What would you do differently if you could do it again? Where was your design not sufficient and why? etc. Reread the guide and try to answer the questions posed there. I know there are 2 pages reserved at the end for reflection but those 2 pages will concern more process issues. This section is really about how well you designed the problem in advance and if there were any surprises that forced changes to the design.

* I don't think you mention the design patterns at all in the implementation section. It would be good to do so -- especially, whether you found them to be useful/effective or not.

* usability section looks good


Thursday, 17 April 2008

Email 17/04/08

Hey Guys,

Just working through the stuff required for the usability section and I've come up with the following plan,

- Introduction to section, brief paragraph explaining the success and failure of certain features, (I'll just say that Speech recognition was a pipe dream etc...)

Then following that I've come up with the following section heading structure for which each section needs to be a maximum of 2 pages (1 of which will be a massive table),

ICS (I'll do this section)
Comment on incomplete features
Usability study for the user interface
Monitoring Centre (Jimbo doing this section?)
Comment on incomplete features
Usability study for the user interface
Simulation Engine(Si doing this section)
Comment on incomplete features
Usability study for the user interface

Ok for the usability study i've dug up the following shiz, It's basically the same as the heuristic evaluation we did for MySpace and Facebook, I've found "Nielsen's 10 heuristics" which are at... under slides 16-17 it's called evaluation.ppt. What i'll do is insert the 10 heuristics in the appendix, so the table structure wants to look something like this,

Heuristic ID | Description (I.e. if it was violated or not and why) | Improvements that can be made.

This should only take like 2 hours max, and atleast that way we've got 1 extra section of the report finished, also if you wanna include screen shot's of specific examples that mite be cool. Anyhooo just e-mail me it over when done and i'll sthick it into the report.


Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Email 15/04/08

Hey Guys,

Right were finally at that stage where we can start polishing off this project for good =!!!!!!! I've uploaded a working version of the system to the svn. To get it running start your self an instance of the monitoring centre (either running locally or online) Then boot up the simulation engine and hit run. You should see an explosion of ICS windows and whaaabam it's all up and going...

What does this mean in terms of finishing?! Well we have the following to do....

1) Full description of the product - Pretty much finished, we need Will and Jimbo to send in their bits for it and tweak the other bits (Tutor hasn't given any info yet)

2) Testing - If we each write up the testing section for the system we each developed, so individually if we go back to the Design report and take a couple of the test cases relevant to the system we each implemented. (2 Pages for each system) Then write them up in tabular format. Then as a group we'll all write the integration testing section.

3) Usability - Again if we each take the system we developed for this section and write up 2 pages (for each system) each on the usability of the system, refer to the final project report guide for this section. It's basically how usable the UI is in relation to usability guide lines

4) Evaluation - This is an evaluation done on the experience we gained, will be a bit tricky to write. But I think i've come up with an idea. If we each write say 200 words on, A) What we gained from the project. B) What we found most difficult C) What you would do differently if you could do it again D) What extra features you would add if you had more time.

5) Appendices - JAVA DOC!! ARGHGHG make sure over the next week you all javadoc the relevant files that you've coded in the author section and comment all methods you've done. I'll generate the javadoc for it when i've been through and check each file is authored correctly

Were very very nearly finished now. Jon asked if we could have also of this done by friday (There isn't much just tweaking code and around 5/7 pages of writing, screen shots that kinda stuff) That leaves us with a week to polish off the report, tweak it and revise for the first exam which is on the 28th?!?!?!

E-mail me if your in any doubt, also make sure you get in contact with your partner who you deved the system with so you know who's going to write up what.... If you could send the stuff for submission to the report from just one e-mail address i.e. 1 person from the monitoring centre dev team send the compiled stuff, etc...

WEEEE CAN DOOO THIS!! IT"S all nearly over!!!!


Monday, 31 March 2008

Email 31/03/08

Hey Guys,

Right firstly (ace job with the data base Stu), the work still left to do is as follows...

- Interface to the ICS for updates needs to be defined (I'll do that today)

- User interface for ICS/Simulator Engine/Monitoring Centre all need to be completed and fully functional.

- Complete the respective sections for the report that goes,

Stu, Si - Simulation Engine write up

Will, Jimbo - Monitoring Centre write up

Dan - ICS write up

The write up includes taking screen shots of the main features and the coolest features of each of the systems, so if there aren't any cool features then add some =). Also the screen shots need some narration so write something about each one... (And an overview of the system as an intro) This part of the report needs to be sent to the tutor by Friday so we ideally need to have a working system by then!

Please keep e-mail updates flowing between us all, I think the idea of a conference in the next day or so could be a good idea...

NB. if we all use font Arial - Size 11 it'll make it easier when I compile it.

E-mail if you have any questions


Email 31/03/08

Hey Guys,

Right I'm gonna start compiling the project report today, so we can send the first draft to him by this Friday. This means that for each system we need approximately 7-8 pages of screenshot/narrative about its functionality. This also means we need to have a completed project.

If you could update you completed work to the server, and e-mail out instructions for people to have a go at running the system as a whole (We'll do testing the week after we get the system integrated)

We need to be quick with this e-mail me if you have any questions


Monday, 24 March 2008

Email 24/03/08

Hey Guys,

Right for this Sunday coming, if you can get me the following then we can start concentrating on the report...

- Si & Stu - Complete the simulation engine GUI

- Will & Jimbo - Complete the monitoring centre

For each of the above items can you e-mail out a readme on how your to start and run your system (I'll do the same for the ICS)... After this we'll have to the end of the second week of the holidays to start the first section of the report!

Any questions just e-mail me!

Dan =)

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Email 19/02/08

Hi Joe,

I'm sure Dan Hutchinson has asked you already about getting a PDA or two for us to play on for the GVPS project. Just wondering if you've had any luck in sourcing them for us? We would like to get some work done with them ASAP.


GVPS Project Group 4

Monday, 18 February 2008

Email 18/02/08

Hey Guys,

Right from the meeting this morning the following has been decreed!


- Define RMI interface and run it on rmi://localhost/GVPS (for now)
- Implement the interface
- Ensure the database side of things is working nicely!

Stu & Si (Working on the Simulator)

- Stu - Parse the simulation file
- Si - Do the GUI for the simulator


- Allow new instances of the ICS to be made
- Connect to server (and give the ID)
- Specify a new location


- Route calculation using Dijkstra's algorithm

This work needs to be completed by NEXT MONDAY when we have to present it to the tutor. In addition to this ensure any other changes have been committed to the SVN, this means any code that still hasn't been completed for the map parsing and drawing completed and committed.


Thursday, 14 February 2008

Email 14/02/08

Hey Guys,

Right the next milestone will be not next Monday but the Monday after, when we go and meet Jon a present our work to him.

I think that the following break down will work quite well, I've also included what I think would be a good level for each system to be at for that particular date.

Monitoring Centre - Will, Si (Will designed it so he knows what needs to be done)
- Should be able to receive connections from cars ( We gonna use RMI for this?)
- Should be able to receive a request from a car to go to a particular parking space, calculate wether there is free space and send response
- Should be able to receive updates from cars on their current position and display them on a map

(For the next milestone i envisage that the administrator will be able to close roads and do the other admin type stuff)

Simulation Engine - Stu (Stu did the designs so can divide the work up)
- Should be able to parse the Simulation file (formats online) and create the appropriate instances of Monitoring Centre and however many cars are needed

(Mile stone after that should allow manual specification of events)

ICS - Dan, Jimbo

- Should be able to create a connection with a monitoring centre
- Should allow the driver to specify where they would like to park and send this request to the server
- Should be able to calculate a route to a given location, not taking into account the fact that they may change destination
- Should display the given information to the user onscreen

I think if we have a meeting tomorrow at 10:00am? let me know if thats a bad time and we can reschedule, it wont be a very long one just to discuss this milestone and what needs to be done so each sub group can make as much progress!

(If you still haven't finished parsing and drawing side of things get it finished before embarking on this as we can't progress until it's complete)


Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Email 12/02/08

Hey Guys,

Just to let you know I've put the MySQL database live on one of my webservers.

Here are the details for the server:

Port: 3307
Username: zgh1224_gvps
Database Name:

If you guys need to manage the database via phpAdmin then I can give you the address

Cheers guys,


Friday, 8 February 2008

Email 08/02/08

Hey Guys,

Right most of the code for the File Parser is finished now, if it isn't, just polish it off this weekend(And add the code into the FileProcessor class that will return the correct Vector) As you implement these pieces of code un-comment them in the MapModule file (They will just throw null pointer exceptions at the minute). We need to turn our attention to getting the MapModule class finished for Monday morning now if at all possible so we've got something to show Jon in the meeting.

The Work
If you look in the MapModule class and in the Map.* package you'll find that all objects that need to be drawn on the MapModule implements an interface called draw(Graphics2D g2). Now what the MapModule class does is each time we call for a repaint of the Map it cycles through everything that is draw-able (Roads, Traffic Signs (There all grouped under one Vector but the polymorphic element allows each one to be drawn differently), Buildings and calls the draw() method on them passing them the correct context making everything very easy for us =)

What I propose is that each person takes the objects they parsed and write the drawing code for it. It's dead easy to test it to because you can just add the code to the relevant draw() method in each Map object that you implemented and then hit run on the class which will show you the results of the effort. I'll work on getting the zoom/pan/alignment sorted then we should have a nice snazzy MapModule we can stick into the MonitoringCentre & ICS Modules.

I've been toying with the Roads this last week so there's already some code in the draw() method for that object it needs to be switched to support closed roads also.

To recap the work will be...

Will: (Drawing the buildings) - I was looking at how to do the cut outs, << I think has everything you need

Si: Code for the CarParks (Perhaps and a colour scheme based on the current level in the Car Park?)

Jim: Entrance & Finish off remainder of the road code =)

Stu: The Traffic Signs object.

Dan: The zoom/pan/shit

The Future
After this week is over and we've got these common elements sorted we'll break down into smaller Dev teams to work on the individual modules so we can get a bit of head way!

Any Questions wazz me an e-mail


Next Milestone

Hey Guys,

Right most of the code for the File Parser is finished now, if it isn't, just polish it off this weekend(And add the code into the FileProcessor class that will return the correct Vector) As you implement these pieces of code un-comment them in the MapModule file (They will just throw null pointer exceptions at the minute). We need to turn our attention to getting the MapModule class finished for Monday morning now if at all possible so we've got something to show Jon in the meeting. 

The Work
If you look in the MapModule class and in the Map.* package you'll find that all objects that need to be drawn on the MapModule implements an interface called draw(Graphics2D g2). Now what the MapModule class does is each time we call for a repaint of the Map it cycles through everything that is draw-able (Roads, Traffic Signs (There all grouped under one Vector but the polymorphic element allows each one to be drawn differently), Buildings and calls the draw() method on them passing them the correct context making everything very easy for us =)

What I propose is that each person takes the objects they parsed and write the drawing code for it. It's dead easy to test it to because you can just add the code to the relevant draw() method in each Map object that you implemented and then hit run on the class which will show you the results of the effort. I'll work on getting the zoom/pan/alignment sorted then we should have a nice snazzy MapModule we can stick into the MonitoringCentre & ICS Modules.

I've been toying with the Roads this last week so there's already some code in the draw() method for that object it needs to be switched to support closed roads also.

To recap the work will be...

Will: (Drawing the buildings) - I was looking at how to do the cut outs, << I think has everything you need

Si: Code for the CarParks (Perhaps and a colour scheme based on the current level in the Car Park?)

Jim: Entrance & Finish off remainder of the road code =)

Stu: The Traffic Signs object.

Dan: The zoom/pan/shit

The Future
After this week is over and we've got these common elements sorted we'll break down into smaller Dev teams to work on the individual modules so we can get a bit of head way!

Any Questions wazz me an e-mail


Friday, 1 February 2008

Email 01/02/08

Just to reiterate if your on windows you need to edit your server file at %appdata%\subversion\config\servers with the info below and if you get a error in netbeans about the server certificate not being trusted you need first go to the command line and issue any command with svn like:

svn info

and accept the certificate and then copy the subversion\auth\svn.ssl.server folder to replace c:\Documents and Settings\Stu\.netbeans\6.0\config\svn\config\auth\svn.ssl.server

If you need more help with the svn just give me a e-mail back and I'll try and help.


Dans original info:

(The common problem that I had was connecting behind proxy but Stu solved this solution is (if your a *nix junkie to add the following lines to your config file)


googlecode = *

http-proxy-host =
http-proxy-port = 8080
http-timeout = 60
ssl-trust-default-ca = yes

and ensure that your IDE is also configured to work from behind the proxy as well!

Email 01/02/08

Hey Guys,

Really sorry about the delay, been properly busy the past couple of days! All the same I've put down the ground work (A selection of classes for the map data and a class to encapsulate the Map)

I've also created a class called FileProcessor which has one public static method called processFile(String)

I was thinking that implementing each processor in a different class is gonna start making things very difficult so what I've done is produced a method in the FileProcessor class for each of the files and kindly pass you an InputStream object referring to the particular files you were all assigned. (I've amalgamated buildings_details.csv and buildings.txt into the same class (as they are encapsulated this way so a little bit of post processing with be required here to get it all together and return the Vector.

Take some time to figure out were your input is required and what classes are there and knock out the code =)

As for SVN stuff we've got a hosting solution from Google code for free for upto 100Mb, I use Eclipse for coding and have configured that fine. I'll add you all as projects owners (Stu is one already) you can simply follow the instructions on the website for details on how to configure your IDE

(The common problem that I had was connecting behind proxy but Stu solved this solution is (if your a *nix junkie to add the following lines to your config file)


googlecode = *

http-proxy-host =
http-proxy-port = 8080
http-timeout = 60
ssl-trust-default-ca = yes

and ensure that your IDE is also configured to work from behind the proxy as well!

Anyone got any votes for a meeting next Monday? in the time we would of normally had a meeting with Jon? OR a meeting on Wednesday at 11?


Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Email 30/01/08

Hey Guys,

Im currently trying to set up an SVN server (nice free one with google) if any of you have any ideas about getting access from behind the friggin proxy it's be cool =)


Map Parser Coding

Right we're gonna start coding the parsers for the map data.

Dan is going to create interfaces for the Lexical Analyser and the Syntax Analyser together with a top level class that gets the zip file and extracts the files then passses the appropriate file to the appropriate class.

From there the rest of us are going to create the classes for the Lexical Analyser and Syntax Analyser implementing Dan's interfaces for the following files:

Will: building_details.csv

Si: bus_routes.txt

Jim: entrances.txt

Stu: traffic_signs.txt

Please use the package name: fileproc

Could you also document the grammars for your file in a word document so we can use it at a later date. It will also help you code it if you do the grammars first :)

We should hopefully have a CVS server running soon when we do Dan or I will e-mail out the details.



Friday, 18 January 2008

The End of the Beginning

At last we've finished the Design Report! It's here to read, I think we all need to print out a copy and make annotations on it relating to the implementation phase, and to get a good understanding of all the aspects of the design. As we'll be starting it from Monday.

In terms of meetings I'll organize a meeting with Jon, I think it will be Monday morning but as he's been at this conference this week I'll check it out and send an e-mail out if it's going ahead!

I've put in the request to Cath for a CVS server (hopefully with backup utilities) and for a PDA or 2 so we can get some tasty user interaction involved!!

As for our next meeting hopefully if all goes well with the meeting on Monday we have it on the Wednesday of next week at 3.00pm (1500 for the army in you).


Thursday, 17 January 2008

Email 17/01/08

Hey Guys,

Right the only things we need now are...

- Acceptance tests from Stu and Si,

- Explanation of the UML Class diagrams from Will!

And were done.

If it can be with me by no later than 1 o'clock this afternoon I'll be able to get it in the report and sent to him for one last final look over


Blog Changes

Hi Guys,

Can you please stop changing the theme and just agree children!!! :)

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

New Images

Here are the hand drawn designs of the GUI we did today

Here is my overview design and ArgoUML class diagram and my Swing GUI designs

Edit: Here is my description of my UML and over view design

Description of my UML and overview together with how I see the simulation system working will follow ready for tomorrow.

We are meeting in the Labs at 1500 correct?

Monday, 14 January 2008

New Post

Work for tomorrow:

Everyone: 1 sketch for each of the 3 systems..
Everyone: Be thinking about/come with ideas so we know what it is...

  • Re-Do use case diagram (see november blog)
  • Match up the uml use case documentation to the diagram(use noun-verb-noun "Active voice")
  • Sequence diagrams (make em up, two/three most important use cases)


  • Bullet point requirements
  • Archiectcural overview diagram
  • Class diagrams & preamble for each diagram


  • Bullet point domain requirements
  • revisions to class diagrams
  • revisions to introduction
  • revisions to project management section

Friday, 11 January 2008

Email 11/01/08

Hey Guys,

The meeting with the tutor was today, I guess people forgot. But we got loads of feedback about the report. But there is a long way to go to get it up to standard. I think we need a couple of meetings this week to get it all sorted out. Im thinking the first meeting should be Monday 10 am? Meeting in the labs as usual and then moving on to the other room?
