Monday, 31 March 2008

Email 31/03/08

Hey Guys,

Right firstly (ace job with the data base Stu), the work still left to do is as follows...

- Interface to the ICS for updates needs to be defined (I'll do that today)

- User interface for ICS/Simulator Engine/Monitoring Centre all need to be completed and fully functional.

- Complete the respective sections for the report that goes,

Stu, Si - Simulation Engine write up

Will, Jimbo - Monitoring Centre write up

Dan - ICS write up

The write up includes taking screen shots of the main features and the coolest features of each of the systems, so if there aren't any cool features then add some =). Also the screen shots need some narration so write something about each one... (And an overview of the system as an intro) This part of the report needs to be sent to the tutor by Friday so we ideally need to have a working system by then!

Please keep e-mail updates flowing between us all, I think the idea of a conference in the next day or so could be a good idea...

NB. if we all use font Arial - Size 11 it'll make it easier when I compile it.

E-mail if you have any questions


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