Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Map Parser Coding

Right we're gonna start coding the parsers for the map data.

Dan is going to create interfaces for the Lexical Analyser and the Syntax Analyser together with a top level class that gets the zip file and extracts the files then passses the appropriate file to the appropriate class.

From there the rest of us are going to create the classes for the Lexical Analyser and Syntax Analyser implementing Dan's interfaces for the following files:

Will: building_details.csv

Si: bus_routes.txt

Jim: entrances.txt

Stu: traffic_signs.txt

Please use the package name: fileproc

Could you also document the grammars for your file in a word document so we can use it at a later date. It will also help you code it if you do the grammars first :)

We should hopefully have a CVS server running soon when we do Dan or I will e-mail out the details.



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